Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Intense Drabbles

So, I've been thinking of some stories in my head, some fanfictions, but I can't get them out and its driving me crazy!

Harvest Moon: DS Cute
Star Trek: The Next Gen (Will's + Deanna's Future on the Titan)

Harvest Moon: DS Cute (GirlXGriffin)

1. Horse Trouble

"So, Griffin." Muffy asked as they went for a walk together. "How are you and Jill doing?"

"Really good." He said with his head bowed, blushing. He was crazy about her, and he was shy talking about his personal life with his best friend, still. She had married Jill's brother, Jack, who lived on the ranch in Mineral Town. She had moved in with him there, and was pregnant. So Jack came today with Muffy to Forget-me-Not Valley and went to visit his sister first and Muffy went to visit Griffin first. They were heading towards Jill's Ranch.

"How about you and that baby?" He mumbled polietly.

"The baby will be born in a few weeks." She was smiling proudly, a hand over her belly. "I wasn't so sure I wanted to be a mother, but now I'm certain that I do." They walked in silence. They were by Gustafa's yurt and were walking up the hill slowly. Griffin had some flowers that he picked in his hand, a present for Jill. He was very excited to see her. He wasn't sure at first that such a young pretty girl like her would wat an older man like him, but she did, she told him herself. So his heart was soaring high with the birds whenever he knew he was going to see her.
They were next to Ruby's shop when a loud neighing was heard from Jill's ranch. It wasn't normal, it was crazy sounding. A surprised female shouting, then a determinded shouting. They heard a two male voices shout in fear, and thats when Jill's horse came galloping into view, with Jill being dragged beside it. Griffin's heart stopped.

Jill was hanging onto the saddle that Jack had bought her for Christmas last year. She was gripping on the horn of the saddle, with a foot dragging on the ground and another failing, trying to find the foot holster. She found it and then quickly and skillfully hoisted herself up. He stopped when the path to her ranch reached the main road. He was bucking violently, eyes rolling into the back of his head.

"EASY! EASY!" Jill yelled, a look of determination on her face. She was doing the proper pulls to calm the horse down, but nothing was working. Ruby and Rock had rushed out of the Inn to see what was going on outside. Startled and scared gasps escaped thier lips as no one would be able to help Jill on the spooked horse. Jack and Takakura were running from the ranch to Jill, eyes filled with panic. Finally, the horse gave a mighty buck and flung Jill towards the bridge. She landed awkwardly on her knee, and a nasty crack was heard. She flipped onto her back and sat up quickly, eyes filled with frieght at the sight before her.

Jack, Takakura and Griffin staring at her horrified and yelling at her to move and her horse's hooves rushing towards her. Her eyes were wide, her face pale and her lips in a grim line.
'I'm going to die...' She thought at she sat were she was with a broken leg and the horse charging at her.

"JILL!!" She heard Griffin's cry above the rest.

Griffin watched horror-struck as her horse raced over her, trampling her in the process. He ran to her first, watching her as she screamed in pain, her arms clenching her stomach in pain, eyes shut tight. Tears running down her face, she hissed through her teeth as her face flushed red with pain. She grinded her teeth together to stop the horrible screech coming from her throat. She felt a head behind her upper back and knees. Her name being shout in a expression from someone's mouth---an expression she never wanted to hear that person cry her name out again. Pain.

Jack and Takakura where around her in a heartbeat. The pain was so much, she couldn't help but start sobbing loudly.

"Jill..." Jack said, his eyes wide with shock. Tears seeping down his face, his hands gently laid on either side of Jill's face. "Jill..." His baby twin was in so much pain, he didn't understand why he wasn't able to feel her pain. He could feel her twisted sadness, but not her pain. He felt useless, very useless to his sister.
Her hand was...warm. Someone was holding onto her hand gently, but firmly. Her abdominal felt tight, almost like being squeezed in a big hug from Jack. She gripped the hand that was holding hers and heard a small gasp.

"Jill?!" Griffin's low voice said, his voice seemed excited, alive. Something. She couldn't think of it now. She squeezed her eyes tightly and then opened them a slit.

Star Trek: The Next Generation [WillXDeanna Future On Titan]

1. Only child

Deanna sat upon the end of the couch in her family's living quarters. Her only daughter, Emily, had her head laid upon her mother's lap and was curled up with a blanket covering her body. Her eyes where only half-way parted open, as she was off in thought about one thing or another, while her mother was off in thought about Betaziod traditions and her only telapathic child, Emily.

2. The Chirabu

"SOPHIA!!" The children cried as the ground collasped under Sophie's weight and she fell with it. They rushed to the hole yet stopped a few feet away as the eldest of the

Emily's eyes were wide, and her face a deathly pale. The low roar of the beast closer than ever.
Will, Deanna, Stella, Aisha and their guides walked slowly threw the cave. The low burnign isotopes crystals that naturally grew all around the cave walls gave off a soft orange light that guided their way towards the missing children.

"I'm getting life signals from over in that direction," Aisha said, burshing a piece of hair out of her face. "More than two...and one of them is really big." She said, her eyes wide while looking up.

"More than two?" Will asked.

"Yes, sir." One of the guides said, raising his gun higher and his gaze sweeping the area. "The monster we told you about...I guess he migrated north a lot earlier this year. I guess the seasons rain washed out the older tunnels..." His friend nodded in agreement, mimicking his movements.

Deanna felt that string of despair turn into a wave as it nearly took her breath away. How could her daughter be so foolish as to jump down the hole after a new friend like that without knowing what the dangers might be below. Disappointment filled her, but it was overcome with fear for her daughter.

They advanced forward a bit faster, now, knowing that the two were still alive. A slight breathing was being heard, and it grew louder and louder as they advanced up the passage way.

Finally, both guides threw their hands out to stop the group. They pushed up agiasnt the wall quickly, followed by everybody else. The calm breathing was very loud now.

-Mom...- A familiar voice cried out in Deanna's head.

-Emily!- Deanna focused all her emotions and sent them out. She got a distressed call back.

-MOM! Help me! Please!!- A choaked off whimper was heard from the giant caravan from around the cornor and the breathing choaked off. Something stirred, something big, and then it seemed to roll back over and continue the same calm breathing---sleep.

"Hold on..." Will said. He shuffled quietly past the guides and leaned forward around the cornor and peered in. He first noticed the giant shape, that had to be 15 meters high. He stared at the sleeping mass for only a few moments before actually scanning the area. He looked low to the ground than slowly made his way up, until his gaze reached the top of the chamber---a good 40 or 50 meters high---when he spotted two dirty faces staring back at him. Both had wide, scared eyes. One of the faces had a finger up to tight lips.

Emily. High daughter. Was safe up on a concelled ledge with Sophie.

3. Empress Future

"A hail from the Bak'To War Ship, Justice." The ensign helmsmen reported.

"On screen." Captain Riker said. He stood up and faced the screen while tugging down the front of his jacket. What surprised him was who was leading the Bak'To.

A beautiful female who stood at a height of five foot five inches, with a pretty complextion of a light tan. She wore a Bak'To Star Busters flight uniform. The usual grey-and-black thick uniform with the light-weight metal plates on the shoulders, elbows and kneecaps. She had long, glossy black curly hair held back in a bun, with a couple of strands framing her face. A deep and painful looking wound was above her right temple. Blood flow seemed to have stopped but it stained the side of her face. Sweat mingled in with that blood. Full, small lips that were paled and turned in a downwards grimace. A straight, rounded nose. Beautiful wide black eyes looked back at him with a smoldering fire of determination. He knew that fire. It was his fire reflected from his wife's eyes. His daughter was on screen in front of him---looking like she had been to Hell and back, along with her 4 War Ships and 20 or so Star Busters.

"Captain Riker." She said nervously, gritting her teeth. Deep behind the fire, he could tell she was holding a lot back. Even as his baby girl, she hadn't grown up out of the way she held in her emotions. He was about to speak but she cut him off.

"I am Her Royal Majesty Emily Tak'ar. I ask that you please allow us to meet on your ship with only mine and yours most senior offices immediantly." She paused to swallow as her eyes seemed to hollow out behind the fire. "I have some information that will either benefit or completely destroy the Federation." Some sweat dripped down the left side of her face. She showed nervousness.

"...Alright. We're sending you are coordinites now." Riker said slowly. Suspisious as to what might be wrong.

Some sort of tension seemed to ease off as Riker said that. She took a deep breath of air, then exhaled. "Thank you..." She said, using a much gentler tone. She bowed her head, "Thank you very much." She raised her head and looked her father straight in the eye. "We'll be right over as soon as we have all of our information prepared. Tak'ar out." Then the screen went blank.

Riker turned and faced his wife.

-A great deal of pain and suffering. She was trying to block out everything from her mind. Emotions, communications...- They stared at each other for a second, thinking for the worst.

"Conselor, Aktuh, Stavian-come with me. Fulley, you have the bridge."

"Yes, sir." The 3rd in Command responded, as the four of them went to the turbo-lift.
Riker watched as his daughter and her two crewmates beamed aboard. When she appeared, she hadn't even taken the time to clean her head wound---just enough time to wipe off most of the blood off of her face.

She seemed determined at first, but then her face gave way to awkwardness as she took a few hesitant steps towards her father, unsure of how to greet him now that they were face to face. But he held out his arms a little way from his body, an invite to a hug. She seemed to relax as she gave a sigh and nearly threw herself at him. They hugged tightly for a second.

"Father..." She whispered so low that only he could hear her. They parted then looked each other in the eyes tenderly, Emily fighting back tears. Deanna had moved up to them and laid a hand on Emily's arm. Emily looked at her and breathed out "Mother..." as her mother hugged her only daughter. Emily let a few tears escape as the pained emotions rolled off of her. Deanna never thought she could feel such strong despair, depression, pain and negative emotions then she did now. Emily was holding back her people's emotions, and it was nearly squishing her daughter until she popped.

They parted and Emily wiped her few tears away, put on a brave face and shoved all of the emotions and negative feelings deep behind her cracked mask.

"Alright." She said, taking a deep breath. "We should get this meeting started as soon as possible, shall we?"
They were all seated at the table in the meeting room. They all faced each other, with Riker in the Captain's chair. Deanna was to his right with Aktuh then Stavian. To his left sat Admiral Jab, then his daughter, then Admiral Raulin.

"As you can see," Emily started. She leaned over her lap to rest her elbows on the table with her hands lacing together with her chin resting ontop of her fingers. "Our race is having a galatic emergency. We're being hunted down and assimilated by the Borg." She looked at the Federation faces with the most calm and control she could muster. She looked defeated---such an ungraceful emotion for a Queen.

"We had a hunch that the Borg would come and assimulate us." She continued. She rested her cheek in her left palm as her right palm was face up to Jeb, her fingers twitching for whatever he had brought in the dufflebag. "So thats why we had our War Ships upgraded with the most advanced and and some untested technology. We had them advanced up so they could hold more people, so that we had more engine power and the most strongest shields." Jeb handed her a flat dark charcoal gray rectangle that was only 2 centimeters in width, but about 9.5 inches in height and 6 inches in length. She placed it between her and Jeb, almost ready to use it, but not quite. "Our Star Busters had been revamped to hold five officers each, one helmsman and four gunners. But..."

She looked away for a bit, staring out deep into space at nothing. She then looked back and continued, "The only reason we did that was because our scientist found a window, the doorway, to the start of the destruction the Borg."

All three of the the Bak'To stared with almost no emotion at the head crewmen of the Titan. They looked astonished.

"You...have that kind of technology?" Stavian asked, first to come out of their shock.

"Well, a prototype." Jeb said, moving so his right leg was over left, a better position for him. "But, yes. We do have that kind of technology."

"It may be surprising," Raulin continued. "But we are more technological advanced than the Federation. We are capleable of Quad-Warp speed---successfully, of course."