Saturday, August 23, 2008

Forever Night

Forever Night
Hunny + Haruhi*
Location: Xochiquetzal (Earth)
Date: 2253 Xochiquetzal; January 5th.
---Robert/Akush [Sky, Heavenly] Other Names: Apollo, Jesus, Ira, Свет
---Emilie/Alia [Sky, Heavenly] Other Names: Artemis, Mary, Ria, Темно
---Unit Zeta: Felix, Alexia, Lewis, Ellie, Ashton, Eliot
Plot: The advanced Hüìmáns from Xochipilli need more room to live---for Xochipilli had begun to die from over-population. So they follow the Last Rebellion to Xochiquetzal

Selective Stories

Episode X: "Save Her"

Elpidius nodded to Robert. "Roger that, Apollo. Unit: Zeta-get ready to rock and roll a rescue mission." He growled over the radio. Voices of 'roger that' chimed in over the radio. "Felix, we need a meeting spot."
"Roger that." His young yet deep voice responded a little cackily over the radio, yet his thick Irish accent still comprehendable. "All of you can group up about 1600 meters away from the opening, under the bridge. The Firsts are starting to swarm through the area. Looks like Apollo's shield will hold around Artemis for a little while-but it won't last for long."
"Understood, Felix. Elp, over and out." He looked at his two teammates that were with him. "Lewis, Alexia-let's move." He said gruffly, already running ahead.
*Hunny = Ice Suicida; Haruhi = Bigger sister